The 2023 Montana Legislative Session promises to be a crucial one, for the climate, clean energy, our right to a clean and healthful environment and more. We're so glad you're here!
At Climate Smart we don't have a full or even part-time lobbyist -- we simply don't have the capacity to follow the daily in and outs. But luckily for all of us in Montana, we have great friends and colleagues at the capitol everyday.
At Climate Smart we don't have a full or even part-time lobbyist -- we simply don't have the capacity to follow the daily in and outs. But luckily for all of us in Montana, we have great friends and colleagues at the capitol everyday.
MEIC: The Montana Environmental Information Center is simply amazing in all they do and offer! They are at the legislature everyday. They have an amazing!
They have been doing this for decades. Sign up for their e-alerts here. Their 2023 Legislature page and bill tracker are good to keep bookmarked to stay up to date on the issues that matter to clean energy!
MEIC hosts information sessions every Thursday at 4:30pm through April to make sure you are prepared to participate and know what' bills need our input. Click this link every Thursday at 4:30!
MREA: The Montana Renewable Energy Association plays a crucial role in keeping solar available and affordable.
They have been doing this for decades. Sign up for their e-alerts here. Their 2023 Legislature page and bill tracker are good to keep bookmarked to stay up to date on the issues that matter to clean energy!
MEIC hosts information sessions every Thursday at 4:30pm through April to make sure you are prepared to participate and know what' bills need our input. Click this link every Thursday at 4:30!
MREA: The Montana Renewable Energy Association plays a crucial role in keeping solar available and affordable.
How to Participate and Advocate
This guide - by Montana Free Press - is essential for this topsy-turvy session. Everything you need to know to be an effective advocate for what you care about! MT Free Press also has this amazing Capital Tracker - a calendar with links to all the hearings and updated daily!
Three EASY ways to make your voice heard on a bill.
Register to testify virtually. You must register by NOON the day before the hearing.
Call the Capitol and request to leave messages for the committee members or an individual legislator. Leave a message Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (8 a.m. until adjournment on Saturdays).
Write to a committee or individual legislator via the online form. Not sure who your representative is? Look them up HERE.
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