Summer Smart HistoryIn 2016 Climate Smart Missoula received a Bloomberg Award for Partners for Places - a project of the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities. Thank you Bloomberg Philanthropies! and Funders' Network. This grant was a partnership with the City of Missoula and the Missoula Community Foundation, and was matched by numerous community partners. Years 1 and 2 of Summer Smart catalyzed new partnerships for both short-term, tangible actions and long-term planning and network building, all to help Missoulians be physically and mentally healthy and resilient amidst changing summer conditions. We're growing this effort and seek continued partner involvement and support.
View our one-pager to learn more about how Summer Smart began and what we did in the first year. If you would like to support this initiative, please contact Amy Cilimburg. Year 1 helped us develop many of the resources linked here. Additionally we hosted a very successful Community Health and Climate Summit. |
We have plenty to thank and many involved in Summer Smart!This project had it's beginnings via the Bloomberg Award for Partners for Places—a project of the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities. Thank you Bloomberg Philanthropies and Funders' Network!
Thanks to all who have donated to our clean air efforts! |
We work with:
Funding Support:
This grant from the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities required a 1:1 match, and we met the match with support from these community partners:
We are immensely grateful to all.