The 2025 Montana Legislative Session affects our climate, clean energy, constitution, and so much more. Commit to getting involved - your voice matters!
* Scroll down for the most current action alerts *
* Scroll down for the most current action alerts *
How can you best advocate for clean energy and climate actions this session?
Check out our quick 'How To Participate' video! |
A great Climate Advocacy Day, Jan 24, 2025Over 400 people came to Helena for a fantastic rally -- a collective climate action day at the Capitol.
Current Action Alerts
As of Wednesday, January 29:
SUPPORT SB 188: Sign on to support the Montana Solar Shares Act TODAY!
Note: This bill has a hearing on Thursday, January 30th at 3pm. The list of supporters will be shared with the committee; sign on below now to ensure you’re counted! SB188 enables a program which would allow for multiple households, buildings, or businesses to share a single solar array. Participating customers could individually purchase a "share" of the larger community solar array, and each month they would receive a credit on their energy bill equal to the amount of energy their "share" generated. Community solar can reduce costs and make solar more accessible to all.
SUPPORT HB 229: Revise MEPA to comply with Held v Montana
After the fall’s victory in Held v. State of Montana, HB 229 would revise the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) to bring the statute into compliance with the Montana Supreme Court’s ruling, and ensure that the climate impacts of proposed projects are fully considered. The bill had a hearing in the House Natural Resources Committee last Friday, with lots of strong support from proponents. The committee has not yet voted; take a moment to add your support today!
OPPOSE HB 291: Defend the ability to regulate climate and air pollution
HB 291 is a bad bill that prohibits the state from regulating greenhouse gases and other air pollutants unless the federal government does so first. HB 291 attempts to prevent the state from regulating greenhouse gases as the federal government currently has no air pollution emission limits on greenhouse gases. Montana’s constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment requires the state to protect present and future generations even when the federal government fails to do so. This bill has a hearing Friday, January 31st at 3pm in the House Natural Resources committee.
SUPPORT SB 188: Sign on to support the Montana Solar Shares Act TODAY!
Note: This bill has a hearing on Thursday, January 30th at 3pm. The list of supporters will be shared with the committee; sign on below now to ensure you’re counted! SB188 enables a program which would allow for multiple households, buildings, or businesses to share a single solar array. Participating customers could individually purchase a "share" of the larger community solar array, and each month they would receive a credit on their energy bill equal to the amount of energy their "share" generated. Community solar can reduce costs and make solar more accessible to all.
- Join the list of Community Solar Supporters! Sign on HERE.
SUPPORT HB 229: Revise MEPA to comply with Held v Montana
After the fall’s victory in Held v. State of Montana, HB 229 would revise the Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) to bring the statute into compliance with the Montana Supreme Court’s ruling, and ensure that the climate impacts of proposed projects are fully considered. The bill had a hearing in the House Natural Resources Committee last Friday, with lots of strong support from proponents. The committee has not yet voted; take a moment to add your support today!
- Message the House Natural Resources committee via MEIC’s nifty Action Center.
OPPOSE HB 291: Defend the ability to regulate climate and air pollution
HB 291 is a bad bill that prohibits the state from regulating greenhouse gases and other air pollutants unless the federal government does so first. HB 291 attempts to prevent the state from regulating greenhouse gases as the federal government currently has no air pollution emission limits on greenhouse gases. Montana’s constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment requires the state to protect present and future generations even when the federal government fails to do so. This bill has a hearing Friday, January 31st at 3pm in the House Natural Resources committee.
- Visit the Legislature’s Public Participation portal to sign up to testify virtually at the hearing (you’ll need to create an account first)
- Send a comment to the committee via MEIC's Action Center
More about How to Participate and Advocate
The MT Legislature's website --- get to know it and use it! The website has been completely revamped since the last session; you'll need to create a new account to access the public participation portal (see below).
Pro tip: MEIC's explainer video offers helpful visuals for navigating the website.
Pro tip: MEIC's explainer video offers helpful visuals for navigating the website.
The home page has a calendar with scheduled bill hearings, links to find your legislator, and other links to resources.
Head to the Public Participation portal to sign up to testify remotely for bill hearings, submit written comments, or directly message legislators or committees. Note that to use this portal, you'll need to create an account first with a valid Montana address.
Use the search function to find bills and track their status. Clicking on any bill number will open a new tab/window with full bill details; use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate.
Key things to know:
- You can testify virtually! You do have to register 2 hours before the hearing.
- You can call the Capitol at 406-444-4800 and request to leave messages for the committee members or an individual legislator. Leave a message Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (8 a.m. until adjournment on Saturdays).
- Not sure who your representative is? Look them up HERE.
More ways to connect, act, & add your voice

MEIC: The Montana Environmental Information Center is amazing in all they do!
They are at the legislature everyday, they've been at this for decades.
They are at the legislature everyday, they've been at this for decades.
- Sign up for their e-alerts HERE.
- Their 2025 Legislature page + bill tracker are good to keep bookmarked. Seriously, their Bill Tracker is targeted, simple to use, and amazing. Not all will be climate and energy focused - but it's easy to find what interests you.
- MEIC hosts information sessions every Thursday at 4:30pm through April to make sure you are prepared to participate and know what bills need your input. If you get their e-alerts, you'll get an invitation or simply click this link every Thursday at 4:30.
- The MEIC team has a great video on how to engage and use the state's legislative website here.
More generally, if you care about our constitution and democracy:
- The folks at Montana Free Press are tracking the entire legislature every day. Check them out and sign up for their free Capitolized newsletter.
- Forward Montana has a weekly guide to what's happening - sign up for What the Helena!
Write a Letter to the Editor
You don't have to be an expert - just someone who cares! Your voice can make a difference.
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Testifying for a healthy climate
Solar Jobs Rally in Helena, 2017